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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Big Government Part 2

As the debt debate rages on, we can each appreciate, from our personal and professional lives, the folly of spending more than we have or earn. We each, one way or another, are limited in our spending. Why should we, collectively as a government, be any different? There will, one day, be a reckoning. Perhaps it will come when all government revenues go to pay only debt service. It's simply inevitable.

However, before we get there, we struggle with priorities. We simply can't cut off funding and expect proportionate shrinkage. Let's think big. What laws will we choose to stop enforcing, or outright repeal? Employment laws? Environment laws? Education laws? Energy laws? And that's just the "E's"!!!

Or maybe we go after the real culprit: Debt. Isn't that what we do in our personal lives? Pay off the debt so we can piece our lives together? Maybe we sell off assets. Let's bite the bullet and be done with it. Sell oil. Sell gold. Sell land. Sell oil leases. Renegotiate debt. It's now or later.
